The Sun in Aquarius and the Moon at 20 degrees of Leo are opposing one another. Every Full Moon marks a culmination of energies. The Moon reflects the Sun’s light and during a Full Moon the feminine and masculine are in opposition shining light onto our subconscious to see things clearer at the peak of our awareness.
This Full Moon in Leo highlights our creative, courageous and heroic essence and how we wish to shine our light from within.
During the month of February we might be burning away old perceptions and believes with the Moon in Leo, Venus’ ingress into Aries and Mars in Sagittarius right on the Galactic Centre.
The Trine between the Moon and Mars might illumine and assist us in expressing our feelings and allowing greater wisdom through the Galactic Centre into our brave hearts.
Venus just moved into Aries where she likes to assert herself. She wants what she wants and when she wants it and she might even enjoy a little conflict. Her passion and warrior goddess vibes can turn a little friction into fun and sexual flamboyance but she will not get out of her way to make peace if you piss her off.
On this Full Moon Venus will conjoin with the wounded healer Chiron in her early degrees of Aries. It’s about our values, our self worth and what is important to us. How can we walk the beauty way, live our greatest excitement and healing old pain-body stories around survival and having to push for what makes our hearts sing.
Venus is in the sign ruled by Mars, the Moon in the sign ruled by the Sun and Mercury in Pisces is just a little confused about it all as he has slowed down to station into retrogradation on the 16th and 17th of February.
It’s going to be a classic retrograde with all the usual fuckups and twists and Mercury is just a lousy postman doing a shit job. In the sign of Pisces he will be a little high on whatever drugs Neptune is on which might amp up miscommunications even more. While Mercury is drowning for the next 2 months it might be good to take it a bit easy on recreational drugs or get the real good ones and share them with your friends ☺
Mercury in Pisces together with Neptune is a great combo for channelling, reading material that is somewhat difficult to read (I am diving into Dane Rudhyar), writing, singing, dancing and anything creative.
While Mercury is doing his drowsy mail delivery Mars will be moving into his exalted sign of Capricorn where he is a hard worker and shit will get done. Maybe this Mars in the sign of the goat can damage control the Mercurial fuck ups? We might find ourselves working a little harder and surely goal oriented on a mission for greater and long term success.
Towards the end of the month and into early March Venus in Aries will be squaring Pluto and Saturn. Well, if Mercury delivers rosewater sprinkled Valentines letters and flowers at the end of the month instead of on the 14th it could get a little fiery… She might smile at you while she ‘nukes your ass’….
It’s a colourful month ahead…
Live your truth, follow your excitement to the best of your abilities with no insistence on the outcome and allow whatever wants to arise… Enjoy moment to moment and have some fun!