“You can contain a large world in a small strict plan”
~ May Sarton ~
During this upcoming New Moon phase on the 30th of August we will have an efficient, precise and meticulous line up of 5 planets (well, two luminaries, 3 planets) and 1 Asteroid in the sign of health conscious perfectionist social worker Virgo ☺
This New Moon is super special with not only the usual suspects the Sun and the Moon gathering around the Hearth. ‘Psychopomp’ and super host Mercury further invites Venus, Mars and the Asteroid Juno (Goddess of sacred marriage and childbirth) to iron out the lawns during their working bee.
We have a very strong presence of the earth elements with Uranus in Taurus, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn in addition to the Virgo stellium.
What does it all mean? Well, it could mean that firstly we may want to make sweet love and experience dirty super clean sacred sex while the flame fuelled by the remaining Leo energies keeps burning brightly within our hearts and in our hearth.
We are moving from the creative, courageous, summoning, playfully mature Leo phase into more focused, earthy, detailed, hard working realms.
Daily routines, rituals, honouring of our physical temple, new work out regimes, diets, service to self and others might be more emphasised during this super strong Virgo presence.
We could find ourselves very busy and dedicated to the tasks at hand, putting in the extra hours to set ourselves up for long-term success once all the planets, asteroid and luminaries make an encouraging Trine aspect to Pluto and Saturn. We could feel very empowered, on top of things, de-cluttering and putting the missing pieces together.
We may want to find an outlet for our new ideas as an expression of our uniqueness (freak flag you know!:) … Maybe something that we have put on the back-burner as the time was not right then but it is now. We are ready for fresh, new and maybe even provocative ways of expressing our individual gifts that we are putting in the long hours for.
With so much earth and no planets in air signs we may want to learn from experience, from getting in touch with all our senses rather than purely our intellect.
Being so very focused, centered and in the mundane world of matter and form we need to stick our heads up in the air and take a deep breath and know ourselves as spiritual beings within this human experience.
All the nerdy analytical planets in Virgo will be opposing Neptune in Pisces who might just tell us to get some good night’s sleep and remain an ‘attitude of gratitude (which is the ‘true’ meaning of prayer).
In the body Virgo rules the intestines and the digestive tract. We may want to do a cleanse, a de-clutter of the inner and outer chambers.
Let us be productive and stick to the tasks whatever it takes and how ever long it takes us. We surely will get a lot more done over the next couple of weeks and re-member that there is always time and a super tidy and clean room and/or shiny floor for sacred and divine love making… ♥️♥️