Vocation Astrology Report


Vocation Astrology Report – a report for reflecting on your career path and calling

“It is not about finding the ‘right’ vocation, but helping us become more reflective about our calling and path in life.” ~ Brian Clark ~

Reports will be sent to you via email as a PDF file. The Vocation Astrology Report is only AUD $25.



Vocation Astrology Report – a report for reflecting on your career path and calling

“It is not about finding the ‘right’ vocation, but helping us become more reflective about our calling and path in life.” ~ Brian Clark ~

Chapters include Vocation and Destiny covers your Nodal Axis in depth looking at the signs, houses and aspects of the Nodes and what that might reveal about our calling; Vocation and Direction deals with the Ascendant and our natural orientation to life purpose; Vocation and Character deals with the core images of the Sun and Moon in vocation; Income focuses the 2nd house as your values, income and earning potential; Work looks at the 6th house and your natural daily rhythms and what suits you best work-wise; Profession includes the MC and the 10th house, the traditional area of careers and your pathway in the world.

The report is between 20 -25 pages and is a helpful handbook for your considerations on work and career. But it will also be helpful for your kids when they are struggling with educational and career choices or your friends who are considering a career move. Reports will be sent to you via email as a PDF file. The Vocation Astrology Report is only AUD $25.

Archetypal Astrology –
Relationship guidance report
At the time of our birth, when the planets were aligned in a very unique way, each of us was given a special blue print. Within this archetypal setup, our journey is coloured with strengths and weaknesses and the gifts of living our greatest potential.It is often during difficult times where we may feel a sense of loss of direction and ask ourselves: “Why is this event happening in my life?” or “What can I do to create a more meaningful life?”Astrology can offer beautiful insights and guidance to support our innate strengths in order to live our greatest potential as self-responsible amazing creators.

In general astrological insights can assist you to:

~ Gain greater understanding of yourself

~ Appreciate your unique talents, your true nature and potential

~ Resolve inner conflict

~ Improve your relationships

~ Understand family patterns and dynamics

~ Bring new awareness to any patterns of self-sabotage

~ Come into alignment with your spiritual purpose

~ Transform times of crisis

~ Understand the higher message behind the current events in your life

The report is between 20 -25 pages and is a helpful handbook for your considerations.
Reports will be sent to you via email as a PDF file.

Report in pdf format: $25
Report printed, in a folder and posted: $45




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